Klynetic Innovation is for leaders of B2B companies who have an urgent need to accelerate commercial change but find that, unless they are personally involved, day to day work crowds out the new.
Through a sustainable framework, leaders get turbo-charged progress through: a clear agenda; an organisation alert to opportunity; resources focussed on selected good ideas; teams supporting each other; no duplication; and knowing who’s working on what.

using the innovation wheel
Commercial innovation follows a sequence. By understanding what is required to execute at each stage, organisations learn how to become increasingly efficient and effective. The more times the sequence is executed the faster it becomes. This accelerates innovation.
Organisational capabilities are built around each stage in the innovation cycle. The stages shown are used to guide tools, methods, frameworks and assessment methods.
the world is changing
commercial innovation must get faster
Some call it the fourth industrial revolution. Expectations of workers and customers are changing. Home working and automation are influencing means of production. Energy transition, environmentalism, minority rights, pandemics and grass-root movements are driving politics. What value is, how it's created and means of wealth distribution is now questioned. Technology is enabling change: remote sensing, big data, cloud storage, mobile computing, AI, automation, self-driving vehicles, additive manufacturing.
Now is a time of uncertainty, but one thing is clear - selling yesterday's products tomorrow will not succeed for long. Windows of opportunity arise and then close at a faster rate. Every company must respond by innovating even faster. Innovations must quickly be a commercial success.
leader's agenda
leaders are frustrated by slow innovation progress
Leaders have a prioritised agenda for innovation. They delegate implementation to their teams. Everyone understands, everyone seems busy but innovations are slow to commercialise. Successes can be spectacular, but are one off events relying on radical individuals and are never repeated. Progress appears to halt without the leader personally intervening. Operational necessity means this cannot be their focus so the pace of innovation stalls.
Using an innovation system means teams structure their approach, that communication is clear and concise and that everyone knows what's going on. A system identifies how teams should leverage everyone's strengths and highlights ways in which people can learn and grow. Applying it creates habits that become second nature and result in accelerating commercial success.
the klynetic approach
I engage with your team and guide them to implement ways of working to accelerate your innovation agenda.
They will apply unique and proven methods for identifying opportunity, structuring development and engaging with the market; together we create an on-going system for visibility and management control as well as developing a performance culture through practicing and applying learned, teachable methods.
Your agenda will mature faster as teams accelerate and deliver more successful commercial innovations faster.

method: creating your acceleration system
Every innovation is novel and will evolve between insight and market execution. A shared framework for understanding status, objectives, options - and planning who does what next - enables teams to function efficiently, removes duplication, reduces wasted time. It also avoids misdirected effort. Defined steps in the evolution of an innovation direct activity towards progress.

targeting interventions
first: assess and plan
Together, we decide what is required, how we will get there and who will be involved.
Every engagement starts by understanding your agenda, taking inventory of on-going activity and using frameworks to asses existing capability.
We agree your key objectives, outcomes, time-scales and resource availability; we also decide the structured interventions required.
building systems
second: design, build and install
Together, we make careful modifications to existing processes guided by frameworks.
We establish methods to manage your innovation portfolio - capturing opportunity, deciding where to focus and monitoring progress.
Your team learns the steps needed to progress an innovation from insight to execution and a language to describe status, activity and plans.
third: accelerate
Repetition builds speed. Innovation commercialisation gets faster the more skilfully your team apply the methods.
Disciplined, purposeful practice combines with mutual team support to skilfully harness acceleration opportunities.
Targeted competence development means people have the opportunity to become masters, exemplars and teachers. This speeds short term results and builds sustainabilty through organisational capacity and resilience.

why engage me
Every organisation should implement a system for innovation. You should guide your team to understand it, practice it and invest in its development.
You have a choice:
go on as you are;
learn to build a system by yourself;
invite a big consultancy to sell a large team to implement a standard one for you; or
hire me to guide your team, access my frameworks and methods, and learn from my experience.
For over 30 years I have worked in innovative environments. I have lived and worked in European, Soviet, North American, Asian and Arabic cultures. I have worked for industrial companies, been a director in a Big-4 global consulting firm, am a successful entrepreneur and give back to my community. I have a first class honours degree in Electronic and Information engineering and an MBA from London Business School.